Kid Lizard
Collaborated in a group on a two-dimensional platform game. Worked jointly on debug obstacle collision. Implemented animations, player, obstacle, and enemy movements. Created levels.
Connect Four
Developed connect four on four platforms: HTML/CSS/JS, C, MIPS. Programmed game to play with user in C. I created random number generator algorithm that use user two number input and multiplies, adds, and ands the two numbers in binary. Developed the algorithm for inserting chips and efficiently checking win conditions. Implemented the same algorithm in MIPS Assembly Language.
Developed a user-friendly Tic-Tac-Toe game using JavaScript, with error handling, GUI, and clear instructions. Demonstrating proficiency in JavaScript, game development, and UX/UI design. In C++, I adapted three difficulty settings to a tic-tac-toe game I developed to a two-dimensional adventure game, similar to Pokemon.